Friday, September 18, 2009

Weight Watchers

I joined weight watchers two weeks ago. I joined the online only program as I know that in getting to in person meetings would not happen. So far I lost 4 pounds last week and am loving it. I am allowed 31 points each day and then get a weekly allowance of points to splurge on through out the week and can also earn actively points that can transfer to eating points. I have the application on my phone and its made life super easy. I have started to make little changes and have not been eating as much. I have gone over my points some days, there is usually one thing that will push me over if I do. I went over yesterday because I had Taco Bell for dinner on my way to class. I will be going over today because I had a danish for breakfast. It was so little but turned out was 10 points!!!!!!!! I now know not to grab something quick at the gas station anymore.

Tomorrow is my weight check, so hopefully I'll have either lost weight or stayed at the same. Right now my goal is 5% of my body weight. Lets hope I can get to it sooner then later.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

10 day no soda challenge

I am trying to go off pop. Two weeks ago I did it and made it a week with only 1 can of pop. I got discouraged because I didn't really lose any weight. I was still drinking sweet tea and some carbonated water that has nutra sweet in it. This time I won't drink those only water and juice.

I am having a problem with getting discouraged a giving up lately. I was doing go on the 30 day shred for a week but lose no weight and it made me mad and I quit. I also was doing good about going off of pop but that didn't last. I guess I'm looking for instance results and I need to get in the mind set that its not going to happen like that.

Keeping track of what I was eating was going well but I broke my laptop and lose the webpage. Now that public school is over and all my summer classes are online I will have more time at home and will start doing that again because it was really helping.

I went for a walk with my kids and mother in law yesterday and was so out of shape. My chest hurt when we got home. I am try and take them for more walk now because they also need the exercise.

One day one of the no pop ch allege I weight 241.2 pounds. Hopefully after 10 days that will have changed a little.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

30 day shred

So I ordered a new Jillian Michael's workout DVD called 30 Day Shred. It is made up of 20 minute workouts on three different levels. Each workout has 2 minutes of warm up and then 3 cycles of 3 minute of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio, and a minute of abs and final two minutes of warm down. I did it wensday when I got the DVD. I did the whole 20 minutes. It was soooo hard. I could barely do it but I did. I had a lot of trouble with the jumping exercise. By the 10 minutes mark I could barely move but I pushed through. I was not able to workout Thursday because of a major school project to do and Friday I was jsut too depressed to work out. I did it tonight and boy was it hard again. I did a little better today with the jumpong exercises. By the 4 minute mark I wanted to quit but she says something on the DVD "you don't get results for free". If I want to lose weight and be healthier I can not give up.

I have been doing good cuting out the pop. I had 1 wensday and onw tonight. I haven't stop completly but I have made a huge change from me 3 a day. I do need to cut back on the sugar. the Easter candy is gone so that will help.

My husband and I wanted to go to the the gym today but we had too much to do to get there. We might get there tomorrow. I cleaned the kitchen today. most times I clean the counters, take a break, sweep, take a break and then mop. Well today I didn't take a break. I keep up until I finished mopping and then I took a break. It was nto easy. I am so out of shape but I'm trying.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I'm done being fat. just done. I want to be healthier. I want to look better. I had successes and failures this week. I did not have a pop on Wensday. I was so proud of myself.the four days previsly I had pop but like 3/4 to1/2 of a can so I had been cuting down. Thursday Nick got Mcdonalds and got me food. I didn't tell him in time that I didn't want any. There was no way that I could say no to Mcdonald when it was right in front of me. I don't have that much will power. Friday was my down fall. I had two cokes and a frozen coke. Real cokes not coke zero. I went to a party that night and had like two hotdogs minus the buns and some fruit with cream cheese dip. I am guessing that the drip had a ton of calories.

I did work out 3 times this week already. I did the wii fit foir 45 minutes on sunday and wensday. I did a 35 minute workout video on Tuesday. I didn't work out on thursday because I had to get up really early in friday and needed the sleep.

I have a $10 gift card to that I had been saving because there are some books coming out soon that I want. However I just found out about a video called 30 shred by Jillian Michael the person from biggest loser. the reviews looked great. I think instead of the books I am going to get the vidoe. I only have two vidoes and the wii fit right now and I need other things to prevent myself from getting bored.

My probelm right now is snacking. There is still easter candy around and I see if and I pop it into my mouth. How bad could a few m & M;s be right? I have to get rid of it soon or all my effort will go out the window.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

On a diet

I started keeping an online calorie counter. The first few days I did really well. These past two days not so much. It has been teaching me about what kind of calories I am eating. I had Mcdonald's today. My fish fillet value meal large size is about 1000 calories. That is half the daily recommend allowence. To be losing weight I should be eating 1500 calories but I have not even gotten close to that. Right now I am just focusing on making sure that I don't go over 2000 calories.
I am on spring break right now and have a fully stocked kitchen. I'm bored out of my mind and have been baking. Yesterday I made brownies and pretzel rods covered in vanilla frosting and fruity pebbles. I made them for my graduate school class but there were tons of left over. Just 1 hour ago after the frozen chicken went into the oven I made deviled eggs. I think I ate 4 whole eggs. I have not entered the deviled eggs into the calorie counter but I am going to guess that I am already over my daily alowance and I haven't even had dinner yet.
Right now I am drinking as much water as I can so when dinner happens I am not that hungry. I know that I will stay up late and be hungry later. I have to find a way not to eat tonight. I really need to be good about this diet for the next two days because Easter is Sunday and I am making a thanksgiving meal. Tonight I am making fried chicken for the family but have put some aside just baking for me. I will have baked chicken and a salad tonight. I will also go for a walk after the kids eat dinner.
I started to buy myself fat people clothes. This didn't bother me as much as I thought. I can look in the mirror and feel better about myself because I don't look frumpy. I look good. I still want to lose the weight. I want to have another baby in the future but will not get pregnant being this overweight. So if I start losing the weight now by the time we are ready for another baby I should have lost it by then.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bananna Split

Man, I want a banana split right now really bad. I have all the stuff and had one last night and I want another one. The scale is not my friend today and I already had McDonald's for lunch and 3 cokes so I really can not afford to have that banana split right now. I am taking an online midterm that is taking me forever. I'm 1/4 done and its taken well over an hour. I would love to have something sweet to help make this test easier.
I am not going to do it. Not going to eat it.
I am downstairs away from temptation and drinking a carbonated flavored water

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well, I went to the Doctor's yesterday and their scale said I weighted 239. I about threw up. My scale at home that morning said 232. At home my weight goes from about 232 to 235. I have not lost any weight. I did put my mother in law excersize machine in the living room but have not been able to find time to use it. Between school, subbing and cleaning a house of 7 slobs excersing is the last thing on my list.

On a upside, I have bought some clothes that actully fit. meaning plus size clothing. I've had someone ask my if I lost weight!!!! No, but I have finally come to grips with being fat and know that it will not be lost soon. I have started wearing clothes that fit because It make me feel better.

It is 11:30 am and I have not had a pop yet but that won't last long. I'll have one at lunch. I did have one piece of chocolate so I guess that sorta cancels out the goodness of not having a coke yet.